
Plug-and-Play overview touch display for up to 4x easYgen3000XT
3500 XT Pakki 2 LT
3200 XT Pakki 1 LEIGU
3500 XT Pakki 1 LT LEIGU
customize your touch panel
- 3x different screen sizes

Dregur úr þörf fyrir PLC dreifðar einingar og raflögn
- easYgen3000XT Series supports up to two easYlite 200 (Software 2.15 and higher) and easYgen 100 / 1000 Series
- plug & play the first easYlite-200 via the easYgen-3000XT .wtool of Toolkit (not Toolkit-SC)
- freely configurable LEDs
- RS232 DK3964 tengi!
- Modbus RTU interface to connect to your PLC of choice
- self-check features
- Alarm text configuration via USB with the software Toolkit-SC
* used on easYlite-200, easYgen-1000 Series
Configuration Software ‘ToolKit’
Basic license is included free of charge in the ToolKit download. This basic software license enables users to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot on easYgen, LS-5, LS-6, MFR-300 and similar controllers.
Advanced license (part number 8447-5002) includes the following:
- All the features of the Basic license
- Unlimited plots per trend chart and trend on the fly windows (3 plots are included in the basic license)
- Allows to open plots as well
- Unlimited data log view plots
- Unlimited calculated plots
- Export all data logged parameters to a test file even if not charted
Digital I/O Expansion Module
- Skilmálar
- ESB samræmi
- CAN bus communication

Digital Input Expansion Module
- 16 discrete inputs
- CAN bus communication
- very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches

Digital Output Expansion Module
- 16 discrete outputs
- CAN bus communication
- very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches
commissioning becomes significantly easier & thus faster, as the corner cases have been tested in the simulation already.
trouble shooting becomes significantly easier
end-customers have agreed in other projects to replace the factory acceptance test with the simulation
skapa verðmæti viðskiptavina
Spara tíma
sparaðu tíma í að þjóna viðskiptavinum þínum
Spara peninga
there will be only minor modifications required in between the simulation model and the reality (eg. for the specific diesel / gas gensets)
Remote Access Gateway
Gather operational data such as energy consumption, operating hours, temperatures etc. in the cloud.
Start or stop your generators remotely
Reduce maintenance costs by analyzing trends
* an alternative is available from 101solutions here
- 496 gensets / power generation units
- Mælibreytir og verndarbúnaður fyrir ein- og þriggja fasa raforkukerfi.
* there is a conversion kit available to flash LS-6XT hardware to a Group Controller part number: 10-026-186
tengja PLC í gegnum CAN strætó
nota relays til að ýta á skipanir og til að stjórna brotsjó
easYprotec 1410
3 sannar RMS spennuinntak
Class 0,5 mælingarnákvæmni
Stillanleg stillingar fyrir ferð/stýringu
Woodward part number: 8445-1046
Stillanlegir tafartímamælir fyrir
einstök viðvörun (0,02 til 300,00 s)
4 stillanleg gengi (skipti)
1 „Tilbúið til notkunar“ gengi
Skiptanlegur gengisrökfræði
2 kvarh teljarar (hámark 1012 kvarh)
CANopen / Modbus samskipti
Stillanlegt í gegnum CAN bus / RS-485
/ Þjónustutengi (USB/RS-232)

Stillanlegt í gegnum þjónustutengi (USB / RS-232)
Ósamhverfa spennu (47)
Ofhleðsla (32)
Jákvætt/neikvætt álag (32R/F)
Ójafnvægi álags (46)
Fasabreyting (78)
Virka afl- og aflsstýringarstýring
valanleg stjórnútgangur fyrir hraða- og spennuhlutfall
samhæft við fjölbreytt úrval af rafstýringum og spennustillum
tímajöfnun aflrofa
stillingar í gegnum HMI eða PC

Interconnect Mapper
- Unlock the full potential of your easYgen with Ethernet communication capabilities
- Seamlessly send and receive data between easYgen devices with InterConnectMapper
- Create setup files for EG3000XT and related devices to enable communication via UDP messages
- Define who sends which data at which rate and subscribe to data from other devices
- Utilize up to 99 analog values and 99 Boolean values for receiving data from other devices
- Send all AnalogManager and LogicsManager values, as well as defined indices and constants
- Group Boolean flags into 16-bit values for efficient data transfer
- Easily upload map files and SCP files via Woodward Toolkit or ftp access
*note: the InterConnectMapper tool requires a license but is functional without one
Yfirstraumur (50/51)
QV eftirlit
Frjálst stillanlegt tímaháð undirspennueftirlit fyrir: FRT (bilunarakstur)
MFR 300 vörulýsing
Pramertization með stöðluðu hugbúnaðarverkfærasetti Woodward.
Verkfærakista til að sækja
hraðari „íhlutavottun“ og einfaldara „einingavottun“ ferli
* if you have an easYgen3100/3200XT, you can upgrade this software by purchasing P/N 10-026-185 Software Upgrade Kit

USB tengi stillingarviðmót. Tölvu-/fartölvuhliðin er aðskilin frá Woodward-einingunni með galvanískri einangrun.
alternative to the market dominating brands for the certified market
fast growing partner
highly standardized and automated production
Stillingar hugbúnaður
Redundant Control Panel
AMF & ATS stýringar

engine products

fjarstýring beint á hvert tæki með öruggum skýjagáttum
mælingu og vernd
SPM-D2 10
SPM-D2 11
rofar samstilltir
1 eða 2
AC fasar
2 eða 3
tíðni, fasa og spennusamsvörun
virku afli (kW) / hvarfafli (VAR) samnýting (hliðstæða)
USB Mini-Type B til Type A
Þetta er venjulegur rafeindabúnaður, ekki fáanlegur hjá Woodward.
Framhliðarfesting kemur með IP42; til að hækka í IP54 þarf þéttingu.
hlutanúmer: 8923-1037
Isochronous speed control
Full user access to primary speed control PID settings for optimal tuning
Decrease commissioning time and expense
varatengi / innstungasett
easy and direct configuration via easYgen-2000 and 3000 Series
Preconfigured operating modes for legacyWoodward and third party devices
Spara tíma
Simple plug and play converter
Kostir þínir:
Þjónustan þín hefur alltaf viðeigandi stjórnandi tiltækan
þjálfun og þekkingu á einum staðlaðri stjórnanda
engin þörf á að kaupa [hugbúnað] eiginleika
suitable for rail material thicknesses from 1 to 2.3 mm according to DIN EN 60 715
Mjög flókin forrit meðhöndluð með stöðluðum stjórntækjum, engar hugbúnaðarbreytingar nauðsynlegar!
[=Óendanleg forrit]
fullkomlega hagnýt hugbúnaðarhermi mun spara mikinn tíma og peninga meðan á gangsetningu stendur
horfðu á uppgerð myndbandið:
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