maximálny generátor (žiadny skupinový ovládač)
vlastná logika s konfigurovateľnými I/O "LogicsManager"

Prepínač automatického prevodu (ATS)


prispôsobiteľná obrazovka HMI (s RP-
konfigurácia cez
štandardné USB alebo Ethernet
Mains-Generator application
Mains-Generator, Generator-Generator, Mains-Mains applications
True RMS voltage sensing
freely configurable discrite I/O
Adjustable timers
Source Selection
Transfer / return inhibit
Extended parallel
parná / plynová turbína
diesel-/plynový agregát
vodná energia
podporované typy synchrónnych a asynchrónnych generátorov
password protection
záložné napájanie napr. supermarkety (so spätnou synchronizáciou)
dátové centrá, nemocnice, letiská, veľké priemyselné zariadenia, …
viaceré sieťové pripojenia (synchronizované)
4 konfigurovateľné relé (prepínacie)

Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Controller - DTSC-200A

The DTSC-200A (Digital Transfer Switch Control) controls the transfer of electrical power from one source to another for hospitals, data centers, office buildings, manufacturing plants and similar where lights out is not an option. The extremely versatile DTSC-200A ATS controller is easily configured for a wide range of automatic transfer switch applications including Main-Gen, Gen-Gen or Main-Main systems using circuit breakers or latch-ing contactors. Source transfer can be performed as open, delayed, or closed transition with in-phase monitor-ing (synch check) that can be enabled for all transition types to ensure safe transfer. The closed transition over-lap time can be limited to less than 100ms for momentary, make-before-break transfers, or extended indefinitely for paralleling via discrete input. “Custom” features like transfer inhibit, source selection, load shed/restore, ele-vator pre-signal and engine test programs come standard.


Configuration Software

viacnásobné synchronizované skupinové a nerozhodné

configuration via Woodward’s standard Software Toolkit.


hlavný výkon dieselových agregátov

hlavný výkon s turbínami

starý štýl valčekov a pohonov 


Námorná a lodná sila
