وفر الوقت

Remote Panel


    • Plug-and-Play overview touch display for up to 4x easYgen3000XT
    • MFR32S15B / PSV-IN20QSBZS
    • GCP-2115B / LSB
    • Connect to several devices to create a lean switchboard design
    • GCP-3145B / BPD
    • customize your touch panel
    • 3x different screen sizes
Remote Annunciator

Remote Annunciator

easYlite-200 has 16x LEDs  (green, red, amber):
  • easYgen3000XT Series supports up to two easYlite 200 (Software 2.15 and higher) and easYgen 100 / 1000 Series
  • plug & play the first easYlite-200 via the easYgen-3000XT .wtool of Toolkit (not Toolkit-SC)
  • freely configurable LEDs
  • CAN bus interface
  • Modbus RTU interface to connect to your PLC of choice
  • self-check features
  • Alarm text configuration via USB with the software Toolkit-SC

* used on easYlite-200, easYgen-1000 Series

Configuration Software

Configuration Software ‘ToolKit’

Basic license is included free of charge in the ToolKit download. This basic software license enables users to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot on easYgen, LS-5, LS-6, MFR-300 and similar controllers.

Advanced license (part number 8447-5002) includes the following:

  • All the features of the Basic license
  • Unlimited plots per trend chart and trend on the fly windows (3 plots are included in the basic license)
  • Allows to open plots as well
  • Unlimited data log view plots
  • Unlimited calculated plots
  • Export all data logged parameters to a test file even if not charted
Expansion Board

Digital I/O Expansion Module

    • GCP-3141B / XPD
    • CAN bus communication
GCP-3145B / XPD GCP-3111B / XPQ.
If you use more than one IKD on CAN bus, please use the USB configuration cable – part number 5417-1251 and download the IKD configuration software.

Digital Input Expansion Module

    • 16 discrete inputs
    • CAN bus communication
    • very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches
Part number: 8440-2304

Digital Output Expansion Module

    • 16 discrete outputs
    • CAN bus communication
    • very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches
Part number: 8440-2305
Simulation for complex projects

GCP-3145B / XPQ

GCP-3115B / XPQ + SC10
GCP-3145B / XPQ + SC10
    • GCP-3115B / XPQ + SB03
    • لم يتم دعم CAT CCM في الاستبدال
    • GCP-3145B / XPQ + SB03
    • the simulation might help to on-board new staff members on these complex products in a cost-effective way

GCP-3245B / BPD

    • GCP-3211B / XPD
    • GCP-3245B / XPD
    • the simulation is really very similar to building up real gensets for a factory acceptance test
    • it’s possible to simulate the total operational behavior
    • GCP-3215B / XPQ
Remote Access Gateway

Remote Access Gateway

    • GCP-3245B / XPQ + SB03
    • GCP-2015B / LS
    • GCP-2115B / LS
    • GCP-2115B / LSX
    • GCP-2215B / LS
    • MFR1545B / SY

* an alternative is available from 101solutions here 

Group Controller

SPM-D1010B / HJV

GCP-3115B / BPQ
GCP-3145B / BPQ
    • GCP-3241B / BPQ
    • GCP-3215B / BPQ

* there is a conversion kit available to flash LS-6XT hardware to a Group Controller part number: 10-026-186 

Fibre Optic Converter

GCP-3245B / BPQ

    • AMG3S45B / N2PB-QFX
    • MFR31S11B / PSV + ZS
    • MFR31S15B / PSVX + Q

Profibus Converter

MFR32S15B / PSVX + Q

MFR32S45B / PSVX + Q
    • MFR31S11B / PSV + K14ZS
    • MFR31S45B / PSV + K14ZS

Woodward part number: 8445-1046

Modbus Master Mapper


    • AMG3S45B / N1PB-SFT4WX
    • GCP-3145B / XPD + SC10
    • PCM1-M-I5-U4-P01
Data Telegram Mapper


بروتوكولات ProfibusDP ليست هي نفسها! -ESEPRO
    • GCP-3241B / XPQ + SC10
    • MFR2S11B / PSV + A2I3SB
    • SPM-D1145B / LSXR
    • SPM-D1010B / XN
load dependent start stopp emulation

SPM-D2-1010B / XN

SPM-D1040B / XN
SPM-D2-1040B / XN
    • GCP-3245B / XPD + SC10
    • AMG2S45B / N1PB + D08QSC10SFT710ZS
    • GCP-3211B / XPD + SC10
    • GCP-3241B / XPD + SC10
    • GCP-3145B / BPQ + SC10
HMI language customization

easYgen-320-50B / X

    • easYgen-350-50B / X
    • إيزيجين -350 إكس
    • MFR2S45B / PSVA + SB
    • easYgen-320-50B
    • إيزيجن 320X
Interconnect Mapper

Interconnect Mapper

  • Unlock the full potential of your easYgen with Ethernet communication capabilities
  • Seamlessly send and receive data between easYgen devices with InterConnectMapper
  • Create setup files for EG3000XT and related devices to enable communication via UDP messages
  • Define who sends which data at which rate and subscribe to data from other devices
  • Utilize up to 99 analog values and 99 Boolean values for receiving data from other devices
  • Send all AnalogManager and LogicsManager values, as well as defined indices and constants
  • Group Boolean flags into 16-bit values for efficient data transfer
  • Easily upload map files and SCP files via Woodward Toolkit or ftp access


*note: the InterConnectMapper tool requires a license but is functional without one


    AVR integral voltage regulation

    SPM-D1145B / LSR

    GCP-3211B / XPQ + SC10
    MFR2S11B / PSVT + A2I3SB
      • AMG2S41B / N2PB + A2SC10SFT707ZS
      • SPM-D1115B / LSR
      • SPM-D1111B / LSXR
      • SPM-D2-1115B / LSXR
      • يجب تغيير CT الخارجية إلى ../5A!
      • SPM-D1115B / LSXR
      • SPM-D1111B / LSR
      • "شهادة المكونات" بشكل أسرع وعملية "اعتماد الوحدة" المبسطة

    * if you have an easYgen3100/3200XT, you can upgrade this software by purchasing P/N 10-026-185 Software Upgrade Kit


    AVR voltage regulator - the industry standard
    AVR voltage regulator - Woodward solution
    Generators from Woodward

    GCP-3141B / SC06SFT711ZS

    MFR1541B / SYN
      • GCP-2145B / OQFSFT4W
      • MFR32S11B / PSV + Q
      • AMG3A45B / N1PB + SFT4X
      • MFR32S11B / PSVX
    MFR2S15B / PSV + A2QUSB
    Redundant Control Panel

    AMG2S11B / N2PB + A2SC10SFT707ZS

    GCP-3145B / RPQ + SC09
    engine systems

    engine products

    تقدم Woodward مجموعة واسعة جدًا من المنتجات الميكانيكية والإلكترونية للتحكم في محركات الديزل أو الغاز.
    يوفر العرض التقديمي التالي نظرة عامة جيدة على مجموعة منتجات محرك Woodward.
    يرجى التحلي بالصبر يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت للتحميل ...
    turbine systems

    turbine products

    تقدم Woodward مجموعة كبيرة جدًا من المنتجات الميكانيكية والإلكترونية للتحكم بالغاز أو التوربينات البخارية والضواغط.
    يوفر العرض التقديمي التالي نظرة عامة جيدة على مجموعة منتجات Woodward التوربينية.
    يرجى التحلي بالصبر يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت للتحميل ...
    Power Generation learning module


      • easYgen-1500-1
      • NDC1-55B
      • easYgen-1500-5
      • DTSC-200-51B
      • DTSC-200-1
      • تم استبدال إصدار LEOPC بإصدار Toolkit
      • DTSC-200-55B
      • DTSC-200-5
      • NAC1-GL
    integral speed control + actuators + valves


      • GCP-3111B / XPQ + SC10
    Cylinder Temperature Monitoring

    MFR2S11B / A2CD06D09HI1I4JK24 ميجا بايت

    easYgen-1500-55B / K22
    GCP-2115B / OQFSFT4W


      • GCP-3145B / XPQ + D10D11SC10
      • MFR2S11B / PSVA
      • easYgen-3200-1 / P2
      • easYgen-3200-5 / P2
    Load Share Gateway

    easYgen-3100-1 / P2

    • easYgen-3100-5 / P2
    • MFR31S15B / PSV + K14ZS
    Remanence Voltage Converter for Asynchronous Generators

    MFR2S11B / A2CDD06D09HI1I4JK24MM

    AMG2S45B / N2PB + A2K01M03QSFT717Z
    SPM-D10B / PSY5-FU-D
    SPM-D10B / PSY5-FU-A
    السرعة والجهد الناتج يرفعان وينخفضان
    SPM-D10B / PSY5-FU-DW
      • SPM-D10B / PSY5-FU-AW
      • Easy and convenient to install, operate, and diagnose
    DIN-Rail Mounting

    DIN-Rail Mounting

      • fast and easy mounting by direct snap up on the mounting rail
      • universal, massive aluminium clamp mounting for all 35 mm mounting rails
      • suitable for rail material thicknesses from 1 to 2.3 mm according to DIN EN 60 715
      • safe hold due to a stable extruded profile with integrated wire from spring made stainless steel
    LS-511 / 512: 8923-1746
    Ethernet converter

    Ethernet converter

    (for the old easYgen3000 – non XT) convert CAN to Ethernet
    USB Mini

    spare connectors / plug sets

      • wire up cabinets and add the plugs later or on-site
      • lost some plugs during commissioning?
    current XT Series:
    easYgen-3100XT P1 + 3200XT P1 (green): 8923-2318
    easYgen3400 / 3500 XT P2: 8923-2320
    easYgen3400 / 3500 XT P1: 8923-2319
    LS-6XT: 8923-2319
    LS-512: 8928-7544
    LS-522: 8928-7545
    LS-511: 8928-7544
    LS-521: 8928-7545
    old NOT XT Series:
    MFR1215B / 51 فولت
    easYgen-3100 P1+P2/-3200 P1+P2 /-3500 P1 (green): 8923-1314
    easYgen-3400 P1 (black): 8928-7371
    easYgen-3400 P2 (black, with 8 plugs): 8923-1919
    easYgen-3500 P2 (green, with 8 plugs): 8923-1918
    LS-521 (door mount): 8928-7286
    LS-511 (back-panel mount): 8928-7336
    easYgen-2500: 8928-7297
    easYgen-2200/-2300: 8928-7286
    easYgen-800/1700/1800: 10-004-675
    easYgen-1500: 8923-1055
    MFR1345B / IZPM02PSUZQ
    MFR1140B / VDEW
    DTSC-200 8923-1805
    DSLC-2: 8923-1806
    easYprotec 1410: 8923-2139
    IKD: 10-015-874
    MFR-300: 8923-2139
    SPM-D2: 8923-1032