
Remote Panel


    • Plug-and-Play overview touch display for up to 4x easYgen3000XT
    • Positiivne/negatiivne koormus (32R/F)
    • Tasakaalustamata koormus (46)
    • Moodsa jaotuskilbi kujunduse loomiseks ühendage mitu seadet
    • Maandusviga
    • customize your touch panel
    • 3x different screen sizes
Remote Annunciator


easYlite-200 has 16x LEDs  (green, red, amber):
  • easYgen3000XT Series supports up to two easYlite 200 (Software 2.15 and higher) and easYgen 100 / 1000 Series
  • plug & play the first easYlite-200 via the easYgen-3000XT .wtool of Toolkit (not Toolkit-SC)
  • freely configurable LEDs
  • CAN bus interface
  • Modbus RTU interface to connect to your PLC of choice
  • self-check features
  • Alarm text configuration via USB with the software Toolkit-SC

* used on easYlite-200, easYgen-1000 Series

Configuration Software

Configuration Software ‘ToolKit’

Basic license is included free of charge in the ToolKit download. This basic software license enables users to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot on easYgen, LS-5, LS-6, MFR-300 and similar controllers.

Advanced license (part number 8447-5002) includes the following:

  • All the features of the Basic license
  • Unlimited plots per trend chart and trend on the fly windows (3 plots are included in the basic license)
  • Allows to open plots as well
  • Unlimited data log view plots
  • Unlimited calculated plots
  • Export all data logged parameters to a test file even if not charted
Expansion Board

Digital I/O Expansion Module

    • MFR 300 toote spetsifikatsioon
    • Tööriistakomplekt
    • Pramertiseerimine Woodwardi standardse tarkvara tööriistakomplekti kaudu.
Tööriistakomplekti allalaadimine USB konfiguratsiooniliides.
[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_image src=”tent/easy /uploads/2022/03/money-150×150-1-150×150.png” alt=”Säästa raha” title_text=”money” url=”/save-money/” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset= ”default” width=”50%” max_width=”100%” module_alignment=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=money-ve_ur” link=”option/default” /” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Digital Input Expansion Module

    • 16 discrete inputs
    • Pramertiseerimine Woodwardi standardse tarkvara tööriistakomplekti kaudu.
    • very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches
Part number: 8440-2304

Digital Output Expansion Module

    • 16 discrete outputs
    • Pramertiseerimine Woodwardi standardse tarkvara tööriistakomplekti kaudu.
    • very fast CAN ID configuration via dip-switches
Part number: 8440-2305
Simulation for complex projects

Simulation for complex projects

So far it was required to build up the complex wiring for a hardware emulation and one couldn’t test many functions properly.
Your advantages:
    • Konfiguratsioonitarkvara
    • usb-kaabel
    • end-customers have agreed in other projects to replace the factory acceptance test with the simulation
    • [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_2,1_4,1_4″ _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”_p_12n][b_1” =”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”4.14.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_p_p_color” src=”https://easygen.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/infinite-150×150-1-150×150.png” alt=”Lõpmatud rakendused” title_text=”infinite” url=”/ infinite_app/” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” width=”50%” max_width=”100%” global_colors_info=”{}”][/et_pb_image][et_buil”4_text_4 _module_preset=”default” link_option_url=”/infinite_app/” global_colors_info=”{}”]


    • applying loads based on your own requirements
    • there is a simulation of gas / diesel gensets with standard genset models (being close to reality)
    • the simulation is really very similar to building up real gensets for a factory acceptance test
    • it’s possible to simulate the total operational behavior
    • there will be only minor modifications required in between the simulation model and the reality (eg. for the specific diesel / gas gensets)
Remote Access Gateway

aktiivvõimsuse (kW) / reaktiivvõimsuse (VAR) jagamine (analoog)

    • Aktiivvõimsuse ja võimsusteguri juhtimine
    • Analoogsisend aktiivvõimsuse sättepunkti väliseks juhtimiseks
    • generaatori kaitse
    • valitavad juhtväljundid kiiruse ja pinge nihkeks
    • ühildub laia valiku regulaatorite ja pingeregulaatoritega
    • kaitselüliti aja kompenseerimine

* an alternative is available from 101solutions here 

Group Controller


Toote spetsifikatsioon
USB mini-tüüp B kuni tüüp A
    • Arvuti/sülearvutiga ühendamiseks turustage standardset USB Mini-B-tüüpi A-tüüpi A-kaablit.
    • See on standardne elektrooniline toode, mis pole Woodwardis saadaval.

* Saadaval on teisenduskomplekt LS-6XT riistvara muutmiseks rühmakontrolleri osanumbriks: 10-026-186 

Fibre Optic Converter

Tagapaneelile paigaldamise võimalus

    • See adapter võimaldab paigaldada releed kappidesse
    • Din-siiniga kinnitusadapter
    • possibly build up redundant Fibre Optic communications

Profibus Converter

Profibus Converter

ESEPRO device
    • Addresses up to 8 Woodward controls (easYgen and LS Series)
    • Direct mapping of data into process I/O

Woodward part number: 8445-1046

Modbus Master Mapper

Modbus Master Mapper

    • varuühendused / pistikukomplektid
    • flashing of the generated customized Modbus / TCP via Toolkit into the controllers easYgen3000XT and LS-6
    • mappable address points for read/write tasks to exchange information with Power Electronics (eg. PV Inverters), protection relays, kW Transducers
Data Telegram Mapper

Data Telegram Mapper

säästa aega
    • configure the Modbus data protocols
    • up to 300 addresses
    • upload file into the easYgen3000XT or LS-6XT (*.map file)
    • documentation of the created telegram ( HTML file)
load dependent start stopp emulation

Emulation of Load Dependent Start Stop

Improve fuel efficiency and reliability!
Work through what-if scenarious for your genset fleet.
    • Monitor that all or several of the power generating assets does not approach maintenance cycle simultaneously
    • Maintain sufficient reserve power on the bus in anticipation of a large consumer and that the reserve power automatically falls back after the large consumer breaker is closed
    • Start and stop the gensets according to max/min loading criteria, the later especially to help burn car-bon deposits on engines cylinder head
    • Switch ON and OFF the genset at every pre-defined run hours to equalize the total run hours
    • Väga keerukad rakendused, mida käsitletakse standardsete juhtnuppudega, tarkvara pole vaja teha!
HMI language customization

HMI language customization

“HMI Localization”
    • add / change HMI display language of the easYgen3000XT or remote panel XT display
    • use MS Excel to modify your language
    • flashing into the devices via ToolKit
    • simulation of the HMI to check the translation on-the-fly
    • MFR1110B/G59
Interconnect Mapper

Interconnect Mapper

  • Unlock the full potential of your easYgen with Ethernet communication capabilities
  • Seamlessly send and receive data between easYgen devices with InterConnectMapper
  • Create setup files for EG3000XT and related devices to enable communication via UDP messages
  • Define who sends which data at which rate and subscribe to data from other devices
  • Utilize up to 99 analog values and 99 Boolean values for receiving data from other devices
  • Send all AnalogManager and LogicsManager values, as well as defined indices and constants
  • Group Boolean flags into 16-bit values for efficient data transfer
  • Easily upload map files and SCP files via Woodward Toolkit or ftp access


*note: the InterConnectMapper tool requires a license but is functional without one


    AVR integral voltage regulation

    [nt. lennujaamad, suured andmekeskused, raske kütteõli elektrijaamad, auru- või gaasiturbiinirakendused]

    Vähendab vajadust PLC hajutatud moodulite ja juhtmestiku järele
    äärmiselt mitmekülgsed ja paindlikud juhtnupud võimaldavad standardimist, mis vähendab otseselt pingutusi
      • [=Lõpmatu arv rakendusi]
      • an easy to install, operate and diagnose
      • full configuration in the easYgen3000XT = centralized functionality
      • faster manufacturing, due to less wiring
      • Simulation includes AVR in easYgen3000XT (Woodward provides .dll file)
      • [USB-ühendus LS-5-ga USB-adapteri kaudu]
      • Simplified setup functionality centralized to easYgen3000XT (eg. remote control)
      • kiirem "komponentide sertifitseerimine" ja lihtsustatud "ühiku sertifitseerimise" protsess

    * kui teil on easyYgen3100/3200XT, saate seda tarkvara uuendada, ostes P/N 10-026-185 Tarkvarauuenduskomplekti


    AVR voltage regulator - the industry standard
    AVR voltage regulator - Woodward solution
    Generators from Woodward

    Generators from Woodward

    Woodward has a sales co-operation for generators, to serve our customers with the best overall product offering
      • vaadake simulatsioonivideot:
      • fast growing partner
      • highly standardized and automated production
      • tested technical solution with Woodward controls
    Please contact us for more details and qualified quotations!
    Redundant Control Panel

    Simulatsioon easyYgen3000XT

    redundant control panel, with a hot-swap functionality
      • 100 ms transfer during a running operation, if one genset control fails
    engine systems


    pärandtooted ja asendustooted pärandtooted ja asendused, kauba number või kauba kirjeldus Palun otsige oma kaubanumbrit või kauba kirjeldust: Kauba numberKauba kirjeldusKauba numberKauba kirjeldusCommentsLink 1Link 2...
    nov. 9. 2021
    turbine systems

    turbine products

    kolmapäev, 30. märts 2022 13:10:36 +0000
    Järgnev esitlus annab hea ülevaate Woodwardi turbiinide tooteportfellist.
    nov. 9. 2021
    Power Generation learning module

    Power Generation learning module

      • Interactive learning using realistic active simulation engine / generator models
      • Engine speed control fundamentals
      • eseme number
      • Automatic voltage regulation fundamentals
      • Electrical power generations fundamentals
      • Power factor and VAR fundamentals
      • Synchronizing
      • easyYgen-3500XT-P2
      • Exercises for each topic
    integral speed control + actuators + valves

    integral speed control + actuators + valves

      • can make external speed controllers redundant
    In combination with Woodward’s broad range of valves and actuators, this provides a strong customer value.
    Cylinder Temperature Monitoring

    Cylinder Temperature Monitoring

    visualize and monitor up to 20 cylinder temperatures.
    LECM AUX module part number: 8280-4409
    Sarnane toode GCP-MG firmalt ProconX

    võtke MRDT4-2A0AA saamiseks ühendust SEG-iga

      • MFR1315B/GPX
      • MFR1515B/SY
      • easyYgen-3200XT
      • erinev koormuse jagamine! Koormuse jagamine Gateway LSG
    Load Share Gateway


    • Sarnane kaup 8445-1046: ESEPRO
    • SPM-D1010B/YB
    Remanence Voltage Converter for Asynchronous Generators


    vabandust, otsest asendust pole saadaval
      • GCP-2145B/LSR
      • GCP-2145B/LS
    DIN-Rail Mounting


      • EGCP-1, 24VDC, 90-277 VAC PT-d
      • Koormuste jagamise lüüsi LSG on nõutav, kui n+1 gens
      • EGCP-3 "I LS"
      • EasyYgenis LON-i ei toetata!
    EGCP-3 "MC"
    Ethernet converter


    EGCP-3 tl MC" TÄIUSTATUD EGCP-3 "LSI" (kohandatud)
    USB Mini

    spare connectors / plug sets

      • wire up cabinets and add the plugs later or on-site
      • lost some plugs during commissioning?
    current XT Series:
    easYgen-3100XT P1 + 3200XT P1 (green): 8923-2318
    easYgen3400 / 3500 XT P2: 8923-2320
    easYgen3400 / 3500 XT P1: 8923-2319
    LS-512: 8928-7544
    LS-522: 8928-7545
    LS-521: 8928-7545
    old NOT XT Series:
    easYgen 3400 / 3500 P2: 8923-1919
    easYgen-3100 P1+P2/-3200 P1+P2 /-3500 P1 (green): 8923-1314
    easYgen-3400 P1 (black): 8928-7371
    easYgen-3500 P2 (green, with 8 plugs): 8923-1918
    LS-521 (door mount): 8928-7286
    easYgen-800/1700/1800: 10-004-675
    easYgen-1500: 8923-1055
    easYgen-600/1600: 10-004-674
    easYgen-400/1400: 10-009-352
    easYgen-350/X: 8923-1158
    DTSC-50: 8923-1158
    IKD: 10-015-874